2nd January 2020

Roll on Show Season

1st January is the first day we can shear Black Welsh Mountain sheep for showing.

So the poor show selected rams and shearling ewes were given a shock today as their coats were removed.

However they are happily installed in a warm barn with lots of food, which in this wet winter is a luxury compared to the rest of the flock out in the fields!

21st December 2019


Our first jars of honey have arrived!

22nd September 2019

Royal Berkshire Show

A great way to end the show season. Black Welsh Mountain Sheep breed champion with a ewe lamb.

3 out of 4 of our sheep in the championship.


Then 3rd with our group of three out of 20 plus interbreed groups.


17th September 2019

A sad day

Today we said goodbye to our 11 year old breeding cow. She failed the dreaded TB test. Leaving behind her 48 day old calf. Life is cruel. Myrtle has given us lots of calves, mainly steers for the freezer but also two wonderful Heifers to join our herd. She will be missed.

7th September 2019

Alresford Show

A return to this lovely local show. The last time I showed pigs here 8 years ago!

The stewards were so helpful on arrival and made the day very enjoyable.

It helped that we won best ewe lamb and champion Wool on the Hoof with Boysie the ram lamb. A very large cup for a small lad. Plus seconds in all other classes.

I look forward to next year and maybe taking the pigs too!

1st September 2019

Rare Breed Survival Trust

The Chiltern and London Branch of the RBST hosted thier end of year get together with us on Sunday. After a tour of another local farm, the group came to see our piglets, Cattle and sheep. A brief explation of what we are doing here to try to improve the soli through smothering black grass with a 5 year stewardship and arable reversion. We learnt that one of the sanfoin vetches is a natural wormer and medicine for livestock.

The day ended in a BBQ of our Dexter Burgers, Black Welsh Mountain Lamb chops and the other farm’s saddle back sausages.

A great day was had by all.

29th August 2019

Defra Farm Visit

We were the host for a visit from Defra and Natural England to see on the ground what the Higher level stewardship looks like and how it is helping in the working of the farm. We disscussed how future schemes could be less complex for managing and what additions we as a farm would like to see in future grants.

27th August 2019

Egham Royal Show

A wonderful day winning all classes in my section and then winning wool on the hoof champion. The trophy donated and presented by the legendary Maurice Duce. I so wanted to win the inagual trophy last year but was pipped to the post. I am so pleased to come back and win it this year.

5th August 2019

BBC Countryfile Live

Our Black Welsh Mountain sheep supporting The Farmyard at BBC Countryfile Live.  An interesting change from rosette chasing but great to interact with the public and promote this wonderful breed.


We also had some Kune Kune Pigs there.

4th August 2019

South East Farmer

Nice to see oneself in print! Thank you Alan West you were a great judge and not just because we won!